Governing Board 23-24

Functions and powers

The Education Act provides for the sharing of functions and powers between the governing board and the principal. Generally speaking, the governing board plays a major role in determining a school’s direction while the principal oversees the quality of the educational services it delivers, ensures pedagogical and administrative leadership, and manages the resources that the school board makes available to the school.

Moreover, section 64 of the Education Act states that “every decision of the governing board must be made in the best interests of the students.”

Accordingly, the governing board advises the school board concerning any matter the school board is required to submit to the governing board, any matter likely to facilitate the operation of the school and any matter likely to improve the organization of the services provided by the school board.

Furthermore, the school board must consult the governing board concerning the amendment or revocation of the deed of establishment of the school and the selection criteria for the appointment of the principal of the school.


E.A., sections 78 and 79.

For further details on functions and powers, please see the following document: SCHOOL GOVERNING BOARDS FUNCTIONS & POWERS

Other: FCPQ, The Governing Board At the Heart of the School, August 2009.

Governing Board Members 2023-2024

Parent Representatives
Year 1 of a two-year term

  • Angelo Virone
  • Veronique Riverin
  • Danielle Hill

Parent Representatives
Year 2 of a two-year term

  • Mathieu Hypolite
  • Spiros Mitzinis
  • Meguy Santos

Teacher /Staff Representatives
1 year Term

  • Stephanie Larouche
  • Michelle Cortese
  • Emilie Trudeau
  • Antonella Continelli
  • Gail MacKinnon
  • Sylvia Arenal
  • Robertina Janzic-Principal


  • Melanie Machado-Branco
  • Ana Ghitan


All Governing Board meetings will begin at 6:30 pm.

  • August 29th, 2023 / General Assembly
  • October 10th, 2023
  • November 16th, 2023
  • February 5th, 2024
  • April 10th, 2024
  • June 19th, 2024

Please note that should you be interested in attending our Governing Board meetings as a public guest, you can do so by contacting our school secretary, Ms. Gail, for more information.